EK Fitness and Nutrition

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Vitamin D- what’s the scoop?

Vitamin D can be beneficial in so many ways. It increases our mood, reduces our risk for heart disease, type 2 diabetes, autoimmune diseases, infectious diseases, and many cancers.

Being outside and enjoying the natural sunlight is one of the best (and easiest) ways to get your Vitamin D in each day. There are also some foods that have Vitamin D, which by eating these can help supplement if you are lacking natural sunlight.

Foods like egg yolks, salmon, fish oil, swordfish, rainbow trout, mackerel, mushrooms, and liver have a variety of portion sizes that include Vitamin D. Some people do not find these foods very appealing, which makes getting outside even more important. If you find yourself living in a place that lacks natural sunlight during the winter seasons, try adding some of these foods into your diet to keep your Vitamin D levels stable.

If you are someone who does not find the above foods appealing, well then I guess you are getting outside! Enjoy the sunshine, sweat a little, and soak up the Vitamin D! Just remember to always protect your skin by wearing a hat, sunscreen, and a t-shirt!